The Last Run

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The Last Run
In The Dark
Original Broadcast Date
David Cross, Ryan Cutrona, Joe Frank
Improv Actors, 26 minutes
Preceded by: Loner
Followed by: Prayer

"One time, we went to Reno, we went there for the weekend."

The Last Run is a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series In The Dark. It was originally broadcast in 1994.


Joe talks to O.J. Simpson's friend/manservant about homo-erotic photos and allegations that they were lovers. Joe reenacts the OJ slow speed chase scene, being driven through LA in with a gun to his head; no one pays any attention. They stop for lunch. OJ is described by his friend.


Shared material

Additional credits

The original broadcast credits state: "[M]ixed by Jerry Summers. Music editing by Bob Carlson. Special thanks to Ryan Cutrona and David Cross."
