Cocktails Before Dinner

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Cocktails Before Dinner[1]
Work In Progress
Original Broadcast Date
Joe Frank
Serious Monologue, Absurd Monologue 1 hour
Preceded by: Case Studies
Followed by: Dreamland

In this modern technological age, we humans have more than made up for our physical inferiority to animals.

Cocktails Before Dinner is the name of a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series Work In Progress. It was originally broadcast in 1986.


  • Making up for our inferiority to animals with technology.
  • Our relationship to our bodies.
  • Experiencing the moment of sleep, death. Ways to die.
  • Breakfast at small tables.
  • Remembering youth in a cab on the way to a hospital.
  • Buying a gun to prepare for nuclear war.
  • Our inability to comprehend the dimensions of the inverse.
  • Alexander the Great finds a walled city, weighs a human eye.
  • Being uncomfortable when an actor at a play emerged from the audience. The audience, everyone, as actors. Everyone as a star of their own life; life as recognition. Tonight's program from the viewpoint of his life, the audience's life.
  • Houdini examined.
  • "A jukebox or a coffin."
  • Joe's past as a teacher: experiencing department meetings in the manner of a student. Sex among teacher and among students, the school's playboy sadist.
  • Joe the filmmaker. A film about St. Florence, patron saint of the unexpressed, funded by dressmakers and shot in Iceland. Filming in white and black.
  • Second person dialog with a hitchhiker.
  • Mimicking those one visits.
  • Description of a dance.

Interesting Facts

The private school in Manhattan at which Joe taught was Dalton School. Notable faculty whose tenures coincided with Joe's include Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Barr.

Shares material with Journal and Higher Learning.


Template:59th Street Bridge Song (Simon & Garfunkel)

  • "Polaris" - Aragon, (from "Aragon", 1985)


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