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== Synopsis ==
== Synopsis ==
Larry tells a joke about the fellow who demanded more land at one of
Hitler's Nuremberg rallies.
5:00: Larry tells Joe about his drinking.  He says Jolly is making him
drink margaritas, which he doesn't like.  She asks him to leave; Larry
says they don't have the money.
6:10: Jack Kornfield talks about our addictive society, how addiction
keeps us unaware of reality.
7:10: Joe talks to Larry about what he'd do if he hadn't been an
actor.  Larry says he'd have been a park ranger, which Joe can't
7:40: Jack Kornfield talks about doing the job we have as well as we
can.  He remembers the repetitive job he had at Beacon Gauge, that the
only thing he's done more boring is meditation.
9:20: Joe asks David Rapkin if he can imagine being a forest ranger.
Rapkin conjures up living in a tree, like an elf, having sex with
beautiful female hikers.
13:00: Kornfield quotes [ Bruce Chatwin],
'A white explorer in Africa, anxious to press ahead with his journey,
paid his porters for a series of forced marches.  But they, almost
within reach of their destination, set down their bundles and refused
to budge.  No amount of extra payment would convince them otherwise.
They said they had to wait for their souls to catch up.'<ref><i>The
songlines</i>, page 230</ref>
14:10: Kornfield says Ajahn Chah told him that meditation is
de-hypnosis; quotes [ Krishnamurti],
'only when the mind is still, tranquil, not expecting or grasping or
resisting a single thing is it possible to see what is true and it is
the truth that liberates and not your effort to be free.', then
[ Dag Hammarskj&ouml;ld],<ref>
the second secretary-general of the UN, not the first, as Kornfield
says; Norway's Trygve Lie was the first.</ref>, 'In the point of rest at
the center of our being we encounter a world where all things are at
rest in the same way; then a tree becomes a mystery, a cloud a
revelation and each human a cosmos of whose riches we can only catch
glimpses.  The life of simplicity is simple but it opens to us a book
in which we never get beyond the first syllable in the first page.'
15:50: Larry tells Joe about his encounter with David Rapkin in the
street.  Rapkin tells Larry he has a project Larry would be great for,
but never calls.
17:10: Rapkin tells Joe he was making a 36-part audio version of the
Ramayana that he thought Larry would be great for, but then he got
Danny DeVito instead.  He tells Joe he paid Larry a $100,000 kill fee,
which Joe doesn't believe.  Rapkin tells Joe Larry owes him that much
for a valuable guitar Larry borrowed (a 1939 Gibson L0) in 1964 but
never returned.
19:50: Larry tells Joe the story about his meeting with Rapkin was
real, that he was hurt, that it hurts him more that he treats it as a
joke.  Joe tells Larry that Rapkin's role in the show is fantasist.  Larry
opines that Joe should drop him from the cast.
21:30: Joe talks with 2 people about philosophers who tried to prove
the existence of god.
23:30: Joe tells Larry that he can't tie the quality of Rapkin's work
to his character.
24:30: Kornfield quotes Thomas Merton, 'It was as if I suddenly saw
the secret beauty of their hearts, the depths of their hearts where
neither sin nor desire nor self-knowledge can reach, the core of their
reality, the person that each one is in God's eyes.  If only they
could see themselves as they really are, if only we could see each
other that way all the time, there would no more war, no more hatred,
no more cruelty, and no more greed.  I suppose the big problem would
be that we would fall down and worship each
other&hellip;'<ref><i>Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander</i>, New York:
Doubleday; 1966, page 155</ref><ref>I recommend
[ Garry Wills's 'Shallow calls to shallow', from <i>Harper's</i>], for a
portrait of Merton.</ref>
25:30: Kornfield says the journey is pathless, always leads back to
where we started.  He quotes Merton again, 'We are living in a world
that is absolutely transparent and the divine is shining through it
all the time; this is not just a story or a fable: it is true.'
27:00: Kristine McKenna tells Joe about a couple, the man lost all the
money on the stock market, tried to kill himself, caused brain damage
that made him incompetent instead.
29:00: Kristine McKenna tells Joe about couple, happily married for 52
years, the man now lost to Alzheimer's.
30:30: Kornfield tells us to stop trying, just to let things be.
31:40: Larry tells Joe that Zachary says he won't go to summer school
because Blacks and Latinos are harassing him.  Larry and Jolly tell
him he has to go.  He walks out.  Larry's worried about him; Jolly's
angry with Larry, tells him to leave.  Jolly blames Larry for not
disciplining Zachary.  She doesn't believe Zachary's story.
33:50: Kristine McKenna says we have deeply-embedded fantasies, that
we are attracted to people because we imagine they will fulfill our
fantasy, that this is when the trouble starts.
35:00: Joe tells Larry that Zachary is with one of his friends, not on
the street.  (At 35:30, Larry says he's 15&frac34;.)
35:50: Kristine McKenna tells Joe that, when she's at a party, she
doesn't covet others' situations but covets their non-solitude.  Joe
says he'd rather be alone than with someone he doesn't like;
Kristine's not sure.
37:00: Larry tells Joe that he told Jolly he doesn't have the money to
leave; Larry wants to deal with the immediate problem.  Zachary wants
to go to a special retreat in the Berkshires.
38:40: Kristine McKenna tells Joe that living with someone is a
39:20: Larry tells Joe he doesn't know how'd he'd leave.
40:20: Kristine McKenna tells Joe that she meets people who seem like
the answer to all her questions, cites Harold.  She flew somewhere to
meet him but he didn't show.  She spent a week and a half in Mexico
with him.  They made a trip to Death Valley where they recreated
[ Edward Weston]'s nude
pictures of his wife.<ref>I can't find these.  Weston spent a year in
Death Valley, took lots of pictures.  Harold may have been putting her
43:30: Larry's worried about Zachary.
44:50: Kristine McKenna tells Joe that this fellow was in intensive
care.  She flew there, got into bed with him.  The nurses kicked her
46:40: Larry asks Joe how he's going to get out, can't imagine how.
47:50: Kristine McKenna tells Joe the relationship was a rollercoaster
between euphoria and despair.  She imagines committing suicide on his
front lawn.
48:50: Larry tells Joe about Zachary's call.  He comes back with 2
friends, 1 drunk; Larry won't let them stay.  They call collect at 3
AM.  He finds out that his charge of being harassed by Black and
Latino kids was untrue.
50:50: Kristine McKenna tells Joe the most-incredible thing about
being with him was that she was completely in the moment.
51:40: Larry tells Joe Zachary will be 16 in 6 weeks, at which time he
can do what he wants.  He complains that Zachary is condescending to
53:40: Kristine McKenna tells Joe that she sees paradise in
relationships, even if they haven't worked out in the past.
54:00: Kornfield says that in the universal path the first step is
wise understanding: what do we want to do with this life we have been
54:40: Kornfield says we get caught up in the details of daily life,
lose sight of what's important.
56:10: Kornfield observes the shortness of life, tells us to 'set your
heart, treasure the time you have been given.'
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%; overflow:auto;">
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Legacy Synopsis</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*[[Larry Block]] - Hitler "more land" joke. Drinking fruit margaritas, wanting to leave but not being able to afford it.  
*[[Larry Block]] - Hitler "more land" joke. Drinking fruit margaritas, wanting to leave but not being able to afford it.  
*[[Jack Kornfield]] - An addicted society.  
*[[Jack Kornfield]] - An addicted society.  
Line 47: Line 218:
*Kristine - looking for paradise in a relationship.   
*Kristine - looking for paradise in a relationship.   
*Kornfield - wise understanding.
*Kornfield - wise understanding.
From the broadcast, 'You've been listening to Joe Frank "The other
side".  This program was called "Margarita" with Larry Block, Kristine
McKenna, David Rapkin, Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield, and Joe Frank
- production: Ray Guarna; production assistance: Esm&eacute; Gregson;
music consultant: Thomas Golubi&#263;.'

== Music ==
== Music ==
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{{Romantic Love (DJ Cam)}} [15:40]
{{Romantic Love (DJ Cam)}} [15:40]
{{Sex (The Necks)}} [26:45]
{{Sex (The Necks)}} [26:45]


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