Blues Singer

Revision as of 10:08, 10 March 2021 by Ramon (talk | contribs) (airdate)

There was a time I was a blues singer.

Blues Singer[1]
Somewhere Out There
Original Broadcast Date
Joe Frank
Absurd Monologue, 1 hour
Preceded by: Pathology
Followed by: Philosophy

Blues Singer is a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series Somewhere Out There. It was originally broadcast on 01/12/1997.


  • Joe is a blues singer.
  • The music of daily life and car accidents.
  • He accidentally kills a woman with a knife, burns down a store, and drowns a hotel manager.
  • "Life is . . ." Joe is a preacher and the mayor tries to shut him down.
  • Nonsense verse against a rhythmic backdrop.
  • "But I have grown a beard and am covered with weeds"
  • Looking in the mirror and seeing greatness.



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This has always been one of my favorites. Lots of nice shocking stuff. "So I drowned him in the toilet." "She died of a heart attack while I was stabbing her."