Theo Mondle

From The Joe Frank Wiki
Revision as of 17:16, 23 August 2023 by Arthur Peabody (talk | contribs) (Removed reference to Women Police Officers. Mondle left KCRW in 1996, it was made in 1997.)
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Theo Mondle is an engineer who worked on some of Joe's shows, recording, editing, mixing - sometimes all 3. He appears in In The Dark (Part 2) as the engineer upon whom Joe spits then goes out for a beer with. He matches the description of the engineer, 'former, slightly-built, KCRW recording engineer from Pakistan'[1] to whom Joe lends a $1,000 in Insomnia.

Quoth his LinkedIn page: 'After having worked in the Broadcast industry for 42 years, I retired on March 30, 2020. I am a composer, producer, recording engineer, have a home / mobile studio, own and have all the audio tools from Izotpe and play Indian percussion instruments. Have written music for Spongebob Squarepants, The Unit and some TV ads. Currently I spend my retired time at my home studio experimenting with the Kontakt sound banks with latest being the Stadivary Violin and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra.'


  1. He's from Bangladesh, which was East Pakistan when he was born.