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Revision as of 11:15, 10 November 2023 by Arthur Peabody (talk | contribs) (Completely new synopsis.)
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In The Dark
Original Broadcast Date
Rick Overton, Paul, Sonya Verdiya, Tucker Smallwood, Irving Gelman, David Rapkin, Joe Frank
Absurd Monologue, Scripted Actors, Singing 26 minutes
Preceded by: Prayer
Followed by: A Hearing

"And all of a sudden something has happened, and I pass out..."

Haiti is a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series In The Dark. It was originally broadcast in 1993.


A man (apparently Swanberg, the current president of Haiti) describes his medical problems. The physicians diagnose depression, want to give him shock treatments; he diagnoses high blood sugar

2:30: Joe describes Haiti, its poverty and problems, its new president, Swanberg.

3:20: Swanberg talks about his medical condition.

3:50: Joe talks about Swanberg, the mystery he represents, what we can expect from him.

5:10: Joe converses with Newt Phelan, combat photographer. Phelan describes how planes dropped flour on Rwandans, they did a mime show; a dog behind the wheel of a car after a terrorist bombing in 1989 in Paris; a drunk in Northern Ireland, a child pulling down his pants so he can pick his pocket; photographing a jazz band in Beijing at the time of the protest in Tiananmen Square because he had gone to the wrong square; Swanberg dancing with a chicken a girl has just slit the neck of.

9:40: A woman sings 'Witchcraft' with Swanberg inserted into the lyrics as the witch.

11:20: Joe converses with Paul Dumont, owner of a hotel that has fallen on hard times in the Swanberg administration. They're being watched from helicopter.

13:20: Joe tells us that we misunderstand Papa Doc and the Tonton Macoute, that they were actually good.

15:30: Swanberg describes his heart problems and their treatment: balloons then open heart surgery.

16:40: Joe interviews the Minister of Information, who downplays the political murders and other state violence.

21:50: Joe describes Swanberg's alleged sexual kinks, drug abuse, the orgies he conducts.

24:20: Swanberg thanks the Haitian people for trusting him.

Legacy Synopsis
  • Swanberg talks about his medical conditions and narrowly avoiding shock treatment.
  • Joe describes Haiti's new president: Swanberg.
  • Interview with a combat photographer - flour bombings, missing Tiananmen square.
  • A woman sings "Witchcraft."
  • Interview with a hotel proprietor.
  • Papa Doc the benign patriarch.
  • Interview with the minister of information about the human body as a metaphor for the country.
