Memories (Short Film)

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A few absurd Joe Frank anecdotes are visualized in this 10 minute short film, mentioned in Live at The Great American Music Hall.



  • Joe's father killed at the screw works, turned into a screw. "Threaded to death."
  • The candlelit electricity plant: they sold all their power so there was none available for lights.
  • Gas station scene: guy drives in backwards because his headlights were out. Another guy comes in with only front tires. They argue, then leave together and open a beauty salon.
  • Lost on an elevator. Changing to the express elevator, getting lost faster. Joe calls his dad, who magically appears to help him navigate home. "You're smoking a whole pack of Chesterfields!"
  • Plans for the future.
  • "Ringling Brothers' winter home for retired animals."


  • Original music by Jerry Summers

Interesting Facts

  • Every episode in this film can also be heard in Live At Market Street, although the vocal track and background music are unique.

External Links