Do you have any idea how many people send me their short stories, their poems and their journals, which they want me to critique and even read on the air?

Iceland (Part 3)[1]
Work In Progress
Original Broadcast Date
Joe Frank
Absurd Monologue, Narrative Monologue, Absurd Lists, 1 hour
Preceded by: Iceland (Part 2)
Followed by: The Dictator (Part 1)

Iceland (Part 3) is a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series Work In Progress.


Joe complains about all the letters, creative works, and collaborative propositions he received from listeners. He builds a stack of mail, sets it on fire, and is overcome by smoke. Meditations on Iceland. Mispronouncing Reykjavik. Joe and Lila arrive late for the plane to Iceland. Joe visits a rabbi for guidance; a detailed list of objects in the rabbi's study; absurd questions. Scenes from a train: a compartment with a peasant woman, a beautiful lady, and chickens, being sick and discovering subtle profundity in mistaking the restroom for the dining car. Archaeologists digging in Egypt discover a dinner party beneath a sarcophagus. Walking along a windy beach and being served papers. Joe sings in a club, is disappointed with the experience and begins criticizing the audience in his songs. Joe and Lila arrive to discover that Vogel has left her his estate. Burial in ice. Joe invites us to caress our radios. A dream: Vogel is Joe's father, the love letters were intended for him, they dance, a funny nose bleed. Rhythmic laughing. "Oh water" and "fire and ice."


Template:Cloud Mountain (Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors)

Template:Unspeakable Dawn (Michael Shrieve - David Beal)

Additional credits

The original broadcast credits state: "Performed by Joe Frank, and created in collaboration with David Rapkin and Arthur Miller. Sound effects by Jeff Sykes. Mixing engineer: Theo Mondle. Special thanks to Ariana Morgenstern, Chris Clark, Kathleen Griffin, Eric Meyers, and Sheila Bjornlie. Iceland was produced by Joe Frank."


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  1. Online music services mislabel this track "Fragrance".