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m (Footnote sourcing Harvey Sachs singing 'What the world needs now')
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is to host microbes.
is to host microbes.

33:50: Guy with south Asian accent (sounds like a parody to
33:50: Guy with south Asian accent sings.  'What the world needs now'.<ref>'WHEN FRANK returns to the studio, the actor, Harvey Sachs, is waiting.
me) sings (poorly) 'What the world needs now'.
        '"You're not what I thought you'd look like," says Sachs, a muscular man with an intense smile.
        'Frank steps back. "What did you expect?"
        '"Someone taller, with sunken eyes, and 10 years younger."
        'Frank lowers his gaze; he's 48. The age nerve seems to be a touchy one.
        'Because Sachs does a convincing East Indian accent, Frank asks him to sing "What the World Needs Now" in the accent.
        'Sachs happily agrees.
        'Frank says: "I want you to talk some of this. We don't need another Caruso." He leaves Sachs in the performance studio and moves to the control booth.
        'From the booth he can see into three other studios. In one of them, KCRW's assistant musical director, Ariana Morgenstern, a young woman with a helmet of short dark hair, a Romanesque profile and graceful, pale arms, is
eating green grapes. For the past year and a half, she and Frank have been steady companions. But today, at work, they give no indication that they're aware of each other.
        'Frank cues up the syrupy music. "Don't be nervous," he calls to Sachs. "This is radio. You cannot fail because we can always tape it again."
        'Five takes later, Frank sits on the floor facing the monitor, head cocked like the RCA dog. "It's not working," he says. He lies flat on the carpet, lacing his fingers and resting them on the top of his head. He closes his
eyes. "He's gotta talk it." And although Sachs hasn't heard him, the actor suddenly says, "Lord . . ." in the tone of voice of a man chastising a grandfather who's brought his grandchildren 200 Twinkies, ". . . we don't need another
mountain." Frank sits up. "This is good." He laughs and calls a lunch break. Sachs and Frank return to the big table in the performance studio bearing take-out boxes of marinated vegetables, tofu and tuna. Sachs sits down; Frank
purposefully walks to the opposite end of the table, clears it, and takes a seat 12 feet away.'</blockquote>
<br>from [ Radio Noir : On the Air, a Voice Like Dirty Honey Tells Stories Grim as Nightmares. If You Think Radio Is All Top 40, You Haven't Heard Joe Frank.']

36:20: Joe was an actor performing in a play, stole an apple
36:20: Joe was an actor performing in a play, stole an apple