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== Synopsis ==
== Synopsis ==
Debi recounts Dan & Suzanne's wedding in
[,_Pennsylvania Milford, Pennsylvania],
in the forest, near a waterfall, on the ranch of Dan's
cousin and his wife.  They don't let anyone in the house so the
ceremony's all outside.  Debi and her friends (she mentions Steven
Rapoport (an accordionist), Kelly Kidneigh, Paul Walfish (sp?)) put on
a show at [ The Waterwheel] the night
before.<ref>Debi goes to a Halloween party with Dan & Suzanne in
[[Silent Sea]]; she mentions their upcoming wedding in [[Emptiness]];
she mentions talking to her friend Suzanne in [[The Box]].</ref>
2:20: Larry tells Joe Zachary doesn't want to go school anymore; he
says nobody's talking to him.
3:10: Debi says the day of the wedding is pouring rain.  Suzanne wants
her wedding in the forest so they stick to the plan, get wet.  They
have a rabbi and a huppah.  (Suzanne is Jewish; Dan isn't.)
10:20: Larry tells Joe Zachary's behavior troubles him, recounts
examples, fears for him.
12:40: Debi tells Joe about Dan & Suzanne's vows.  Debi and Steven
sing 'Her love is stronger than I am'<ref>I can't find this.  It
sounds like a power pop ballad.</ref> She describes the motorized
16:00: We hear Larry yelling at Zachary.  He wants a razor to shave
his head.  They fight.
17:30: Debi tells Joe, apropos of the wedding, that a wet knot is
tighter.  She tells the story of the man who helped a butterfly out of
its cocoon.
21:00: Larry yells at Zachary and they fight some more over using the
22:40: Debi tells Joe that Suzanne used to hate the rain, loves it
now.  Guests play in the rain during the reception.
24:20: Joe tells Larry that he can't stop Zachary from doing stuff of
which he disapproves.  Zachary's going to Las Vegas.
25:00: Debi tells Joe she can't imagine having a better wedding.  Joe
imagines some outlandish possibilities (on a live volcano, sinking
ship, in a tornado&hellip;)
26:20: Jack Kornfield expatiates on the first Noble Truth:
life is suffering.  ('Did you never see in the world a man, or a
woman, eighty, ninety, or a hundred years old, frail, crooked as a
gable roof, bent down, resting on crutches, with tottering steps,
infirm, youth long since fled, with broken teeth, grey and scanty
hair, or bald-headed, wrinkled, with blotched limbs?')  He quotes
Basho's haiku 'Even in Kyoto' ('Even in Kyoto - hearing the cuckoo's
cry - I long for Kyoto.')  He calls our culture one of pain management
instead of acceptance.  He quotes Adrienne Rich:<ref>excerpt 18 from 'Contradictions: Tracking Poems'.</ref>
'The problem, unstated till now, is how
  to live in a damaged body
  in a world where pain is meant to be gagged
  uncured      un-grieved-over      The problem is
  to connect, without hysteria, the pain
  of any one's body with the pain of the body's world'
30:20: Kornfield expatiates on the second Noble Truth: the cause of
suffering is grasping.
35:20: Henry Dennis tells Joe about a neighbor couple.  They drink too
much; their toy shop went out of business; Dennis suspects it was
mismanagement.  The man becomes obsessed with Dennis, stalks him;
Dennis suspects he's interested in him sexually.  Dennis threatens him
with a spear gun, which finally drives him off.<ref>I think this story
is set on Long Island.  There used to be a submarine base in New
Suffolk; it's across the Sound from the large submarine base in New
London, Connecticut.</ref>
43:10: Debi recounts a dream: in a store a woman asks her why she
pushes her cuticles back, starts to pull off a layer of one of her
fingernails, then gives her a manicure while they're walking around.
They're attracted to each other, kiss, she has an orgasm; her
boyfriend wakes up, gets aroused by this, they have sex.  Joe asks why
she had this dream.  Debi suggests a beautiful woman was dancing too
closely with Malcolm, later suggested a foursome with her husband to
Malcolm.  But she wasn't the woman in the dream.
47:40: Joe asks Debi about the implication of this couple
propositioning them at a wedding.
48:10: Larry tells Joe he's going to say 'cunt' every 4 or 5 words so
Joe can't record it.  He tells Joe about Joyce Carol Oates's
appearance on educational TV.  She says our heroes are our parents.
Larry thinks this is stupid.
50:50: Kornfield expatiates on the Third Noble Truth: finding peace in
the moment.
52:20: Kornfield expatiates on the Fourth Noble Truth: that Nirvana is
available at any moment.
53:10: Debi and Kelly Kidneigh leave a voice-mail message for Joe
describing after the wedding.  Kelly wants Joe to call.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%; overflow:auto;">
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Legacy Synopsis</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Debi Mae West - she describes singing at an outdoor wedding in a rainy forest. Helping a butterfly escape from its cocoon.  Worry that she won't be able to top this wedding.  Joe suggests arranging weddings at the edge of disasters.
*Debi Mae West - she describes singing at an outdoor wedding in a rainy forest. Helping a butterfly escape from its cocoon.  Worry that she won't be able to top this wedding.  Joe suggests arranging weddings at the edge of disasters.
*Larry - Zak behaves impulsively and Larry is furious. Spitting on the floor, urinating on the toilet seat.  Zak wants to shave his head.  He takes Larry's cell phone.  Joe suggests he may modify his body when he's out of view.
*Larry - Zak behaves impulsively and Larry is furious. Spitting on the floor, urinating on the toilet seat.  Zak wants to shave his head.  He takes Larry's cell phone.  Joe suggests he may modify his body when he's out of view.
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*Kornfield - a path without grasping
*Kornfield - a path without grasping
*Debi - an answering machine message after the wedding.  Other people describe the wedding.
*Debi - an answering machine message after the wedding.  Other people describe the wedding.
From the broadcast, 'You've been listening to Joe Frank "The other side".  This program
was called "The Future" with Debi Mae West, Larry Block, Henry Dennis,
Kelly Kidneigh, Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield, and Joe Frank -
production: Ray Guarna, production assistance: Esm&eacute; Gregson'

== Music ==
== Music ==
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{{Spiritual Healing (Toots Hibbert)}} [35:07]
{{Spiritual Healing (Toots Hibbert)}} [35:07]
{{Workout (Wagon Christ)}} [53:00]
{{Workout (Wagon Christ)}} [53:00]
[[Category:Debi Mae West]]  
[[Category:Debi Mae West]]