The Loved One (Remix): Difference between revisions

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|name = Infobox/doc
|bodystyle = width:30em;
|headerstyle = background:#ccf;
|labelstyle = background:#ddf;
|header1 = Series
|header3 = Original Broadcast Date
|header5 = Cast
|header7 = Format
|label10  = Preceded by:
|label11 = Followed by:
|data8 = , 30 minutes
|data4  = [[1993|1993]]
|title = [ The Loved One][]
|data6  = Joe Frank, [[Grace Zabriskie|Grace Zabriskie]], [[Arthur Miller|Arthur Miller]], [[Laura Esterman|Laura Esterman]], [[Lester Nafzger|Lester Nafzger]], [[Farley Ziegler|Farley Ziegler]], [[Heidi Nordberg|Heidi Nordberg]], [[Harvey Per|Harvey Per]]
|data10 = [[Death In The Family, A (Remix)]]
|data11 = [[Tomorrow]]
|data2  = [[Somewhere Out There]]
''When I was in high school, I hung out with a tall, skinny guy named Howard.''
'''The Loved One''' is the name of a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series [[Somewhere Out There]]. It was originally broadcast in [[1996]].

[[Category:Absurd Monologue]]
[[Category:Absurd Monologue]]